Middle School

Engaging in worship and God’s word together is instrumental in igniting a passion for Jesus. Based on reliance and leading from the Holy Spirit, we aim for our chapels to stir affection towards God in Christ and yield eternal fruit. At USCO, you will not find a run of the mill assembly; we have our sights set on lasting impact in such a way that only God can accomplish it.

”Enrolling our boys in the University School was one of the best advantages in life we could have ever given them. It has been nothing short of life-altering. The opportunities they’ve had through the adventure program to explore and challenge themselves have been transformative. They’ve not only been challenged and grown academically, they’ve built confidence, developed new skills, tested themselves and have become young leaders with a deepened faith, ready to take on what’s next
TorieJunior High Parent
Average Week
Our academic week is set up to provide intentional time for family and adventure.
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
We offer a full course of study including literature/English, social studies, science, Biblical studies, and math plus many electives including fine arts, world language, adventure and theater. Chapel is regularly scheduled throughout the semester and as well as many weeks ending with grade-based discipleship Bible study.
At Home
- Monday
- Friday
Students are responsible for completing teacher-provided lessons and homework. The parents’ operate as guides for their middle schoolers to help transition them to independent study. To be a full-time student, 4 or more classes must be taken. Individual classes can also be taken in addition to other school options.
Family + Fun
Friday – Monday
Our schedule gives four flexible days to families to prioritize family time and church participation. We also use this time to go on adventure trips and retreats a few times a year.